• ヨフ
  • 2024
  • 《Unlit》Can, Urethane paint, Label sticker, Acrylic, Mirror film, Wood, LED light
    《Lit-1, Lit-2》Single-channel video, Display, LED light
  • Dimension variable


ACT Vol. 6 「メニスル」カタログより

A space dramatically bathed in red light makes it seem as if one has stumbled into an otherworldly realm severed from reality. The work in the center of the space, Unlit, comprises a large stack of paint cans on a large platform resembling a stage set, under a spotlight. One of the cans stands out, glowing white amid its red surroundings, emerging as an eerie, seemingly computer-generated presence. However, a closer look reveals that the spotlight illuminating the entire work is actually white, and all of the cans have been painted red except the solitary white one. This is paired with Lit, in which monitors on the walls show a computermodeled paint can and the process of adjusting the can label’s colors using the Illustrator app, with an automated cursor moving across the screen to realistically replicate a fictitious product. While images on LCD screens are typically unaffected by the surrounding light, in this work the videos’ colors are altered so the screens appear to be immersed in red light. In this cycle of the real becoming virtualized and the virtual materialized, the relationship between real and unreal is intertwined and reversed, and viewers are drawn into the process. With their strategies for reinterpreting the ever-shifting framework of human perception and developing systems for multilayered visual experience, YOF merge the virtual and digital with the tangible and analog, forging a higher-dimensional spacetime continuum. In doing so, they not only challenge our concepts of reality but also open up new horizons in visual cognition.
Sawako Yoshida (Tokyo Arts and Space)
From the ACT Vol. 6 “Layers of Optical Experience” catalog



「ACT (Artists Contemporary TOKAS) Vol. 6『メニスル』」 (トーキョーアーツアンドスペース本郷、2024)
撮影:加藤 健 画像提供:Tokyo Arts and Space

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