• ヨフ
  • 2023
  • 《Frames》Multichannel Video, Display, Glass Bottle, Milk
    《Layered Depths》Multichannel Video, Display
    《Lights》Multi-channel Video, Display, Stool
    《On Display (Tape, Paint)》Single-channel Video, Display
  • 《Frames》W1000 x H1500 x D500 mm
    《Layered Depths》W2500 x H1800 x D300 mm, 2min. 20sec, loop
    《Lights》W2000 x H1800 x D1000 mm, 4min. 7sec, loop
    《On Display (Tape)》2min. 20sec, loop
    《On Display (Paint)》5min. 31sec, loop

映像コンテンツに内在する空間性と、鑑賞される実際の空間、さらにそこに介在する身体性によって 複合的な映像空間が構築される。
現代のメディア環境を通して拡張され続ける私たちの空間認識 を足がかりに、新たな視覚表現の可能性を試みる。

This exhibition consists of five multi-screen video installations.
A complex video space is constructed through the spatiality inherent in the video content, the actual space in which it is viewed, and the physicality that intervenes between them.
Building upon our continuously expanding spatial perception shaped by the contemporary media environment, this exhibition explores new possibilities for visual expression.



A work featuring a rotating mirror. Depending on the angle of the mirror, the display functions as a device reflecting the mirror’s image or as the mirror itself, reflecting the viewing space. Its existence shifts and transforms.

Layered Depths


A work where three different depths — the image, the frame of the image, and the display — intersect. It overlays and unfolds the sense of alienation/assimilation of landscapes that emerged with the development of railways and photography in the 19th century onto contemporary multilayered media experiences.



The light from a bulb illuminating plants within the image and the light that illuminates the viewing space as a pixel cluster forming the “bulb” image. The shadows created by these elements traverse and overlap the boundary between reality and illusion.

On Display (Tape)


A series exploring the reality of images. When the image of the wooden board and the existence of the display as its support are “recognized” as being identical, the presence of the tape covering the surface becomes ambiguous.

On Display (Paint)


The rough brushstrokes of paint covering the screen gradually fill the surface of the display with a sense of reality.


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